Your Land Rover relies on various components for its smooth running and effectiveness. The accessory drive belt, also known as the serpentine belt, plays an essential role in ensuring that the engine runs smoothly. It also powers some car accessories like the AC, radiator fan, and power steering.

A faulty accessory drive belt could lead to a failure in all of these vehicle parts. It is important to know the common causes of failure and the signs to look out for so you can get your Land Rover the best help in case of failure.

Common Causes of Accessory Drive Belt Failure in a Land Rover

The accessory drive belt is a thick rubber material that drives other car components. Based on its function, it is regularly subjected to stress which could lead to tear or breakage. Here are some common causes of this drive belt’s failure in most vehicles.

  • Wear & Damage: Wear and damage are a leading cause of drive belt failure in most vehicles and it is more common with vehicles with more mileage. The older your Land Rover gets, the more stress and strain it has been put through. This eventually causes the belt to break, leading to a failure.
  • Excessive Heat: Due to the engine’s intensive function, it generates a lot of heat that could affect its surrounding components. The serpentine belt is one of the components that could be affected by the heat from the engine’s functions. This heat could degrade the belt’s material, making it lose elasticity, become brittle, or break.
  • Faulty Installation: Another common cause of serpentine belt failure in a car is faulty installation. If you have ever had to change your car’s belt at any point and the new belt is not properly installed, the misalignment could cause a serpentine belt failure. This is because the lack of alignment causes more pressure and stress on the belt, leading to more wear and damage.
  • Oil Leaks: If oil leaks out of any part of the engine, it could cause drive belt issues in the affected car. Consistent oil leaks into the belt area could cause the belt to degrade faster as the oil (especially when heated) breaks down the belt material, leading to damage and thus, belt failure.

The Signs to Help You Identify a Faulty Accessory Drive Belt in Your Land Rover

The earlier you know what to look out for in your car, the easier it is to fix any issue that you may notice with it. Here are some common signs of accessory drive belt problems in a car.

  • Unusual Noises: One of the first signs you may notice if your car’s serpentine belt is faulty is loud, squealing, or chirping sounds from the engine area. If the belt is broken or worn out, it gives off these sounds as it struggles to perform its duties.
  • Faulty Air Conditioning: Another common sign of a failure in your car’s drive belt is a bad air conditioning system. This is because the drive belt drives the AC unit and if there is any problem with the AC, it is likely due to a damaged serpentine belt.
  • Battery/Alternator Issues: If you notice the battery warning sign, come on your dashboard, then there is likely a problem with the serpentine belt. The alternator is one of the components that is powered by the belt’s function. When this belt fails, you may notice battery problems due to the alternator’s inability to charge the battery.
  • Engine Overheating: The serpentine belt powers several components that are attached to the engine’s function, including the water pump. This pump is essential in keeping the engine’s temperature cool and well-regulated. However, a belt issue means the water pump could fail to function and this can cause the engine to overheat.

Land Rover Serpentine Belt Check

Where to Fix a Bad Land Rover Serpentine Belt in Duluth

If you notice any of the above signs in your serpentine belt, then it means it’s time to find a trusted mechanic to fix it. The trick to better car performance is to fix any issue the moment you find one. European Service Center is the top garage in Texas with state-of-the-art equipment and experienced staff to handle all issues relating to European vehicles. We can bridge the gap between your car and its best performance. If you are in Alpharetta, Chamblee, Cumming, Norcross, Duluth, Dunwoody, Buckhead, Roswell, or Atlanta, GA, it’s time to get your Land Rover in top condition with us.

* White Land Rover Discovery Car image credit goes to: Artistic Operations.